Linda Wade Book Packaging and Design
Achitectural Extravaganza

History/Art Collecting

290 x 250mm/256 pages/300-500 photographs

Hardback Jacketed

Advance Information Sheet

American Collectors
of the Gilded Age
Introduction by ERIC HASKELL
Text to be confirmed

How is it that America has no shortage of great art? Paintings by Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Gainsborough, Goya and the French Impressionists, sculpture and architectural fragments dating from the ancient world, and all on public display? The answer lies in the American attitude to philanthropy. The desire “to increase the wealth of humanity, as evinced by charitable giving, is one of America’s great traits, albeit after great fortunes have been made”.

The men and women who collected great masterpieces and housed them in beautifully designed buildings, or bequeathed as collections to other museums were a very special breed.

This book is about those people. Their fascinating lives, both public and private, their successes and failures and of course their magnificent art collections which through their philanthropy have been an enormous gift to the American people.

Henry Clay FrickbulletHenry Huntingdon
J. P. MorganbulletHenry Walters
Solomon Guggenheim
The Kreuss BrothersbulletBertha Palmer

Isabella Stewart Gardner
Ailsa Vanderbilt Bruce
The Cone SistersbulletThe Puttam Sisters
Ima HoggbulletMillicent Rogers
Peggy Guggenheim
Sarah Campbell Blaffer

The RockefellersbulletThe Casey Thayer
The Chrysler GarbischbulletThe Hevermeyers
The RicesbulletThe RinglingsbulletThe Wallaces
The Wrightsmans

Walter AnnenbergbulletWalter Chrysler
Dominique de Menil
William Randolph Hearst
Ailsa Mellon BrucebulletPaul Mellon

J. Paul GettybulletArmand Hammer
Norton SimonbulletAlbert Barnes
Amon CarterbulletDr. Richard Fuller
Arthur M. SacklerbulletDaniel J. Terra